Sunday, July 14, 2013

Questions to Ponder When You’re Halfway Between an Empty Glass and a Full One*

Some confusing things about Life.
  • If comfort zones are not good for us, why do we feel so good in them?
  • If people are meant to be the same, why were we made different?
  • If the path of least resistance leads downhill, why does going with the flow sometimes bring the best results?
  • Why is it that even when you are happy where you are, you have to be in motion just to remain still?
  • If babies knew everything innately, why are we born helpless, having to learn everything from others, only to have to unlearn them for ourselves later?
All these things confuse me, and to be frank they still do. But one day I thought; What if, the human lesson is not so much that the glass is half full, but that it can only be half full when the other half is empty?

Perhaps then, when bad or upsetting things happen, being indignant is fruitless, since indignation implies that these things should not have happened when of course, they did and will continue to do so.

If it all evens out in the end, why then, do we bother fighting for anything? It’s a valid question, and helps me understand and feel more kindly towards those who seem to never fight for anything.

But I guess the question we need to ask ourselves is not whether we should fight, but at what cost. After all, while time is infinite, it’s finite for us, and generally things that won’t matter in 5 minutes, don’t matter at all. Which also means that, for things which will matter for more than 5 minutes, we fight for. No matter how far it is out of our comfort zones, how different it looks from what we know, how uphill the battle, how happy we think we are, and despite what we have been told.
  1. Electoral reform
  2. Defending the urban vote
  3. Rural involvement
  4. Education and security
2013-2018. Here we go.

* also posted on

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