Like I said, I’m reading Confucius. I did expect to, and found some antiquated sayings, but was also pleasantly surprised to see that the Master was….
a decent relationship advice-giver…
The Master said “In his errors a man is true to type. Observe the errors and you will know the man”.
pretty damn funny…
Chi Wen always thought three times before taking action. When the Master was told of this, he commented “Twice is quite enough”.
a romantic...
The Master commented, “He did not really think of her. If he did, there is no such thing as being far away”.
downright relevant…
The Master said “ It is rare for a man to miss the mark through holding on to essentials”.
“To attack a task from the wrong end can do nothing but harm”.
And for better or worse pivotal, to the core of the Chinese judgment and mentality:
The Master said, “It is rare, indeed, for a man with cunning words and an ingratiating face to be benevolent”.
Did your parents, or even you ever look at someone for the first time, and go "chan hai yong suei lor" or "that man's face is kan tou sei"?
Yea, that makes two of us.