Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Till I Wise Up

On the soundtrack of Jerry Maguire, there is this song by Aimee Mann which says, "It's not going to stop, til you wise up".

Caution - this entry is about my recent break-up. Again. And I'm sorry if the previous few entries have not been happy ones, but you know what, it's a bleeding miserable time.

I am pretty sure what happened now. It's one of the oldest stories in the books, it's stupid and it ain't pleasant - but I'll leave that for another day. I'll post it for sure, because I'll need it on PMS-raged days, or rainy days when I might get convolutedly compassionate where no compassion is called for or when self-doubt sets in. A break-up done wrong can be devastating, not just because of the emotional loss, but the loss of self-esteem as well.

Today I will talk about lessons. Cycles. Repetition. Same kind of guys I seem to keep going out with. Guys who leave me because they seemingly don't want to "hold me back". Guys who can't lead me. Taurean guys. Guys who need fixing or some kind of polishing to make them whole. Guys who cry when they say goodbye yet neither flinch or look back. Do I attract them or do I get attracted to them for some reason? Here's the honest truth - I like fixing people. I like seeing the best in people which they don't see themselves, and draw it out of them. I like giving people time. I keep thinking, one day he'll be "All That" and I would've been "The girl who did it with him". Sk8terBoi style. This has not happened yet.

Maybe I can love saving people, but shouldn't fall in love with such characters.

And I've somehow always been riled up by Type-A guys; the smug, clever ones who are so damned sure of themselves. Why? I don't know. Why? Maybe because I think girls who are equally clever do not feel the need to act as smug. Maybe because I think smart guys never really want to go out with smart girls. Maybe because I think I'm one of the so-called "smart girls"? Sure, why not.

And I'm not sure if I'm totally wrong. I wasn't right, that's for sure and that's hard for me to take. It shakes me. I am shaken. I missed a meeting at work today - I've never done that, not unintentionally anyway.

But Dorothy Boyd says "At least I can do something about it now". I am going to try. It's hard - learning about yourself is always hard, especially when you have to do it alone. But let's face it, it's the situations where you're most alone like dealing with a death, being lost in a forest etc. where you learn most about yourself, isn't it?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Last Night in Bintulu

And an eventful one it is. Tonight I met one guy who has been happily married for two years and another guy who is unhappily about to be married.

The first one keeps a video of his wedding on his mobile and shows it to us like it's any other event in his life, such as his last fishing trip. I kind of liked that - apart from the gloss of being supposedly "the" event of your life, it was also one of the things he liked enough to share on an everyday basis.

The other guy just got registered for marriage today, and somewhere between one and too many drinks asked me, if there was anything wrong with marrying one person, but loving another. I just gave him a reproachful look, but in hindsight I think I should've told him that I didn't think he should get married at all.

But really, I wasn't sure. At first you think you have all the right answers about these things, but who's to say video guy won't stop being happy tomorrow, and soon-to-be-married guy won't start?

Anyhow. Bintulu. It's been an interesting time - the place has its unexpected charms, we made some friends and there were some firsts - open sea fishing with a bunch of divers being one of them. If you think about it, it's actually quite safe. Afterall, since the greatest danger is really that of drowning, what's the worry since you have a boat to pick you up and an oxygen tank if you need one?

Friday, May 11, 2007

Maybe Angels

The Catholics – they have angels. Beings that watch over you, because God is so great that sometimes human beings can’t really ‘see’ and communicate with Him.

Mine sits with me. He looks somewhat like Billy Crudup, and he sits on the side on the bath tub while I lean against the door and bawl my eyes out. I give him a look which says it all, and he gives me a look which says that he understands.

I come and sit next to him. I tell him I am defeated and I am tired. He says, “That’s ok”. It helps to know that it’s ok to be defeated and tired. We sit for awhile more.

Dear Charles and Poh Suan, congratulations and God bless. May the angels be watching over you too.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Soy sauce, television and fair skin

Apparently these are things which make husbands and children of Asian, Chinese in particular women want to come home to them.

In one particular soy sauce advertisement, a woman manages to get her eating-out husband to come home for dinner by switching to a more delicious soy sauce brand. Same with the ad selling TVs, where a lonely mum and wife upgrades to a bigger screen to entice her son and husband back to the house. And in a Taiwanese ad, a precocious 6-year old actually tells his mum that she's not good-looking because her skin is dark! Upon which she purchases a Dr Bai skin whitening cream and it all ends happily ever after.

Why does this kind of idiocy still exist, unfortunately more predominantly in the Asian culture? And why is it husbands and mostly sons, not daughters?

I do hope that these manufacturers are wrong. About the number of Chinese men AND women who buy into these concepts. Yes I think it'd be nice to be able to cook a good meal, and yes MiCasa SuCasa may translate into having a 41" for some but really, in the end I hope that my husband or children will come home to me simply because I'm me. And God grant me the strength to not buy some stupid condiment or night cream to measure my self-worth by.