Friday, December 14, 2007

Teabagger nights

It's 3am and I am hungry. Caffienated with a headache hinting at my right temple, but it's an all-good kind of night.

Annual dinner tomorrow! My third in five years. Let's hope they don't give out last year's door gifts as lucky draw prizes again.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Bangkok, Thailand.

Suvarnabumi Airport. Such an enchanting name. The smog – not so enchanting. The shopping – very enticing. The local charm – a little cloying.

Here’s the bit that’s priceless. The feeling you get, on a weekday morning, on your own at a train station, in a foreign land, headed towards nothing but possibilities of enjoying yourself for the day. When everyone around you is going to work. Makes me literally float around and laugh in annoying lilting tones.

Something else memorable – sitting in my first guesthouse room (Pranee Building, Soi Kasem San 1) bawling over pages of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. In the middle of the night for fear of a) bad hair from going to bed with wet hair and b) things that go bump in guesthouse nights.

The Day I Got Really Clever

I recognized that I’d saw it coming.
I said the things I should have never stopped myself from saying.
I exposed you.
Despite not knowing what I would see.
I rolled with my gut. I reel from it still.
I was full of bravado, and I am spent from it still.
I hurt myself.
Maybe, I broke you too.
We were headed there anyway.
But no one deserves to be hurt in that way.
We both chose.
I’m learning still.
I saw what I needed.
But I’m reeling still.