Guide my hands
Guide my heart
Guide my mind
And guide my guard.
Keep me clear
To always see
The things I hold
Dear to me.
Trial and temptation*
Are the human condition
And the result of that
Is so much crap
Monkeys, sharks, wolves and monsters
Cloaks and daggers, all real terrors
Please guide my way
In dealing with that.
I don’t know how You do it all
Everyone’s wants
Clash and overlap, afterall.
But I’ve been told I overthink
So I’m going to stop that right now.
Fill my life,
With things that matter
Help me catch on,
To these things faster.
Help me find
My very own bliss
And contribute to that of
Those I love and cherish
Help me be wise
Faithful and strong
To be the person I knew
I was all along.
* Good Omens - Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman