Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ok so I found one detestful thing about travelling.

Compared to airports and airline lounges, there aren't many more mind-numbing places that I can think of.

Perhaps because it is filled with people on their way to someplace else, the vibe is often restless, and busy in a million directions but here. Add on the queues, luggage waiting and hauling and weird displaced hours that don't belong in a day, and the novelty of duty-free shopping quickly runs out.

But then again, how do you make more hospitable a place that is built for the sole purpose of getting out of?


Unknown said...

For me it's the duty free shopping!! Esp when you travel from terminal like T5 in Heathrow!

RAR3 said...

For starters, next time u'r at an airport, send in your resume. Will feel less of the hustle bustle if u work there. *wink* p/s: It's boring here now that people like you, David, Seng Fun are gone..... Tak challenging betul.

LEO said...

Seems like someone has been travelling quite a lot ..and enjoying it too?

If I were to be in an airport (in an alien land that is), I would love to do nothing but sit down at one corner and observe the people around me, and appreciate the fact that I'd been given the opportunity to do so.

Watch the granny walking with her favourite grandson, a mother talking to her baby, a father who watches over his two sons running in between the chairs..and the list goes on. And all these people are from dfferent race, culture, age and background. Amazing isn't it that you find all these in an airport.


pei wei said...

you are right RS. should be grateful for the things one has. thanks for the reminder - grounded as always :).