Sunday, March 01, 2009

1st quarter and selective feeding

February gave me the slip. Today is March 1, before you know it the first quarter will be over.

Where am I? Where have I been? Well the year started sickly, literally. I was hospitalized for the first time in my life, for mild typhoid supposedly contracted from Indonesia. Then I went to Hong Kong. Then Manila. Then home for the Chinese New Year. Then Manila, and Hong Kong and Manila again. 3 weeks home, 6 weeks away. 7 weekends home, and 2 weekends away. Time measured in expense claim statements.

Well. I suppose that it just where I have physically been. In my mind, the hospital is far away and so much has happened since. It is true what they say - we race ahead. A month apart can mean many different things. It may not seem that way in hindsight when you are 50, but hey even 50 is getting redefined. I wouldn’t even use it as a benchmark of old people anymore.

An interesting quote picked up over the weekend:

“Ï guess that's what it's like with all our dreams and our nightmares, Martin, we've got to keep feeding them for them to stay alive.”

Yes we have time to feed. Yet we have a disproportionately larger amount of what do you call them? Things, to supply. Living the so-called corporate life half the time, and trying to make a life out of the other half means these "things" are called challenges, priorities, ideals, realities, emotions, surprises, disappointments, realizations, learnings, rubbish, egos, fatigue, hunger, adventures, reflections, appreciation, recuperation etc.

Getting lost. And finding your way, defining the way. Sometimes uncontrollably yet necessarily veering off it, redefining it, and staying on it. All take time.

But then, this entry is already longer than it should be. Because simply, there are only a few appetites that one should indulge at a time, and the trick is to have a handle on which.

It’s like finding the Optimal Feeding Pattern to Optimize Results of Life. I bet some management consultants would love to work on this one.

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