Okay. This I must say, is something that may be most suitable for an all-girls day out. You know one of those where there's like 3-4 of you and a post-shopping afternoon with nothing to do but yak?
Not that ice-cream ain't macho don't get me wrong, but for 2 simple reasons 1. the ice-cream balls (see pic) are actually quite.. demure (okay, they are about the size of a smallish fishball each) and 2. the forks which you spear them with are long, ladylike and just MEANT to be held between your thumb and first finger, with the quintessential pinkie sticking out ala 'tai-tai'. Not exactly what I would imagine a guy's idea of RM54.90 for a meal+outing well spent, if you know what I mean.
Having said that, it was a rather jolly six of us (which included three guys) at Haagen-Dasz One Utama last weekend "steamboating" ice-cream, fruits, choc chip cookies, choc rolls etc. in a divine pot of warm chocolate sauce and crunchy peanut toppings. Yu-mmy..and the serving dish (not featured in pic) looks great too, I have to say. (Note to self: Have to stop ordering things just because the serving dish looks nice)
So anyways, give it a go people and tell me what you think. Sure beats going to Starbucks AGAIN, I think.
p/s: Alliz, if you are reading bon voyage and travel safe. You will do great :)
hehe,it was a fun outing, and i never had one of those creations, i always have a double ice cream scoop i share with my sis....
it was worth the wait la for the superman movie and shoe shopping sessions to finish, so we could finally have our ice cream ;)
better then the original cheese fondue in swiss...i got a bloated tummy stuffing myself with fat cheese!
only had it with white bread!!!
and so we happily asked the waiter for some bwocolli ke, potato ke, watever la to ´compliment´the cheese. then the waiter gave us the ´offended face´and said, ´hang on mr i will bring the chef!´
cut long story short, we were bunch of uncivilised ppl eating in uncivilised manner konon...
btw, i was with a german n icelandic!not a bunch of vietnamese looking guys(me).
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