A typical Saturday afternoon conversation between NS and myself...
Setting: My couch, 6.30 p.m, too lazy to get up and go for dinner appointment at 7.00 p.m
PW: So, shall we begin this intellectual discourse?
NS: Yes, shall we talk about...world peace?
PW: World Peace?
NS: Yes, World Peas.
PW: Okay, I like peas in a mash on a pie like the ones in Sydney.
NS: A pea pie?
PW: No..ON the pie, like gravy.
NS: Peas on the pie.
PW: Yes. You are not contributing any new information here.
NS: Okay. I like peas in a pod.
PW: Ooh...like snow peas. I like snow peas.
NS: Okay...if you can get them here..?
PW: Of course you can. In Chinese restaurants. I like them tossed with scallops, bwocolli and garlic (mouth-watering face)
NS: Bwocolli?
PW: Yes, brocolli. We'd better get going.
NS: Okay, ladies first.
PW: (extending one languorous foot forward) Okay, I've taken the first step. Your turn.
NS: (extends one foot forward as well) Okay, I've taken the second step.
PW: (sighs) Great, baby. This is the typical type of thing that makes us look weird to other people.
NS: Okay, okay. Let's go.
Disclaimer: Because of the somewhat inane nature of the situation, some portions of the conversation may have been omitted/slipped the writer's mind. Writer's partner-in-crime is advised to highlight any key discrepancies.
the weird couple awards goes to....
but i like them!
Very accurate depiction of our conversation dear..hahahaha
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